Our passion for information security lowers your level of risk and increases your capital of confidence.
The entire SecurEcom team is perfectly bilingual. We speak “technology” fluently. We talk “business” with full knowledge of the facts.
SecurEcom s’est donné pour mission d’aider ses clients, issus d’entreprises de toutes tailles et de secteurs d’activité diversifiés, à gérer et protéger leur patrimoine informationnel, à préserver leur image de marque et la confiance de leurs investisseurs. Nos experts accordent une grande importance à la gestion du risque. Ils abordent cet aspect selon la réalité d’affaires de chaque organisation et son « appétit au risque ».
To do this, we combine the specialized experience of our security professionals with that of our clients’ teams. At all times, we remain agile so as to ensure the strategies proposed are well integrated by the technical teams and senior managers alike, and by all departments within the organization. We make sure to adapt our intervention and our approach according to the needs and objectives of everyone involved.
The quality of our professional relationships is crucial to us. We believe this is a key factor in our success. All our professionals share the values and principles that are the hallmark of SecurEcom’s projects:
- Team synergy
- Respect for the client’s needs and expectations
- Professional integrity
- Transparency in our work, our communications and our business relationships
- Sharing of knowledge and expertise among carefully selected professionals who possess three key qualities: unique and recognized expertise in a field, solid experience, and excellent interpersonal skills
- Independence from technology suppliers