Our passion for information security lowers your level of risk and increases your capital of confidence.

SecurEcom, your personal guard against risks to your company information and to the security of your technology infrastructure.

SecurEcom Consulting Services is a firm specialized in the management of information technology security risks. Our seasoned professionals work with organizations to ensure the protection of their data, their computer applications and their technology infrastructure and to help them manage risks according to their “risk appetite”, that is, the level of risk acceptable for their organization.

Nearly limitless access to information, its exponential sharing, and the complexity of the interconnection between services and mobility are all factors that place tremendous and constant pressure on senior managers and management teams to ensure that their information assets are well protected. At the same time, organizations have to take into account the classic imperatives of efficiency and cost control. It is a tall order!

SecurEcom is therefore the ideal ally on your path to information security, in all aspects: strategic, technological, tactical and organizational. By calling on our highly experienced multidisciplinary team, your organization will be up-to-date on the major trends in information security and will benefit from leading-edge technology and practices.

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